Nutrition Knowledge, Food Insecurity, and Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Underserved College Students A Pilot Study (2024)

An online, cross-sectional survey examined food insecurity, adverse childhood experiences, academics, health status, dieting, and associations with nutrition knowledge among 83 freshmen Educational Opportunity Program university students in California. Mean (SD) nutrition knowledge was 13.6 (5.0) out of a perfect score of 29. Most students (84%) reported being food secure. The median adverse childhood experiences score was 1.00 (interquartile range, 0.00-3.00), an indication of intermediate risk for toxic stress, and the mean (SD) high school grade point average was 3.62 (0.38) out of 4. More adverse childhood experiences were associated with higher nutrition knowledge (P = .005). High school grade point average predicted nutrition knowledge (P = .003). The results may be helpful in designing larger, more representative studies of the Educational Opportunity Program population and finding helpful interventions.

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Categories: Research Study
Tags: food insecurity, trauma
Author: Matthew Chrisman, Seth S. Klobodu