Integrating Systems of Power and Privilege in the Study of Resilience (2023)

Althoughcurrent approaches to the study of resilience acknowledge the role of context, rarely do those conceptualizations attend to societal systems and structures that include hierarchies of power and privilege -namely systems of racism, colonialism, patriarchy, and capitalism –nordo theyarticulate how these structural realities are embedded within individual experiences.We offer critiques of the current literature from this structural lens, using the concept of master narratives to articulate the incompleteand, at times, damaging story that the discipline of psychology has toldabout resilience. We then provide three models that center history, systems,and structures of society that can be employed in the study of resilience. We close with lessons learned from listening to those voices who have been marginalized by mainstream society, lessons that require us to redefine, broaden, and deepen our conceptualization of resilience

File Type: www
Categories: Research Study
Tags: inequality, race and racism, social class
Author: Jillian Fish, Kate C. McLean, Leoandra Onnie Rogers, Moin Syed