Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Impact of Work-First Policies on College Access (2005)

The college participation rates of African Americans and Latinos continue to lag behind those of other racial and ethnic groups in the United States, despite the efforts of financial aid and affirmative action policies. Two recent federal policies that are "work-first" in nature threaten to further exacerbate racial and ethnic disparities in college access. This article examines the complex ways in which the 1996 welfare reform and the 1998 Workforce Investment Act differentially affect opportunitiesf or college enrollment among disadvantaged adults. Utilizing national and state-level data, the authors argue that both policies restrict access to postsecondary education through the implementation of their guiding philosophy, "work-first," which emphasizes rapid job placement as the strategy of choice in achieving stable employment and moving out of poverty. These policies have reduced the size of the clientele receiving welfare and restricted access to education and training for those who remain on the rolls. Moreover, this reduction in access is particularly acute among African Americans and Latinos. Thus, the findings indicate that these work-first federal policies serve to limit higher education opportunities available to these already disadvantaged populations

File Type: pdf
Categories: Research Study
Tags: federal policy, inequality, race and racism, TANF
Author: Kathleen M. Shaw, Sara Goldrick-Rab