Front Porch? What About No Porch? Exploring Housing Insecurity Among NCAA College Athletes During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2023)

This study explored housing insecurity among NCAA college athletes during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, 1,130 college athletes completed the #RealCollege Survey, a national survey examining housing and food insecurity among college students. Housing insecurity is a growing issue among general college students and the findings suggest it is also a potential issue for college athletes, particularly males, college athletes of color, and first-generation college students. Descriptive statistics examined how housing insecurity and housing insecure symptoms appeared among NCAA college athletes, Chi-squares test of independence explored the relationship between student characteristics (e.g., race, sex) and housing insecurity. Additionally, binary logistic regression models understand how COVID-19 impacted those relationships. These exploratory findings encourage more research on college athlete experiences with housing insecurity to understand better the impact housing insecurity has on college athletes.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Research Study
Tags: #RealCollege Survey, athletes, housing insecurity
Author: Wayne L. Black