Food insecurity among Division I student-athletes at a California State University: A mixed methods study (2023)

According to the 2020 Hope Survey, 38% of two-year college students and 29% of four-year college students experienced food insecurity. The distinct lifestyle of student-athletes may place them at an even greater risk for experiencing food insecurity and its consequences as compared to non-student-athletes. Therefore, this study assessed the prevalence of food insecurity among 98 student-athletes at California State University, Northridge (CSUN), and explored its impact on their athletic and academic performances and emotional well-being. The current study utilized a mixed-methods, cross-sectional design. An online survey was used to assess food security status, fruit and vegetable intake, reliance on athletic department fueling stations, and other sociodemographic variables. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore the impact of food insecurity on athletic performance, academic performance, and emotional well-being. Of the 98 student-athletes, 34.7% were food insecure. Reliance on the fueling station as a primary source of food for the day and reduced fruit and vegetable intake were identified as significant predictors of food insecurity. Results from eight semi-structured interviews revealed that food intake impacts energy levels during class and athletic events, and in the overall quality of athletic performance. Additionally, unequal access to resources within the fueling station was seen as a barrier to their success. Future research should investigate the prevalence of food insecurity among student-athletes and assess the use of the athletic department fueling station as an intervention to mitigate food insecurity among this population.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Research Study
Tags: athletes, food insecurity, mixed methods
Author: Briana Bosson, Dena Herman, Nelida Duran, Skye Shodahl