California Community Colleges #RealCollege Report (2019)

The #RealCollege survey is the nation’s largest annual assessment of basic needs security among college students. The survey, which specifically evaluates access to affordable food and housing, began in 2015 under the Wisconsin HOPE Lab. This report describes the results of the #RealCollege survey administered at nearly half of the schools in the California Community College system in the fall of 2016 and 2018. ALMOST 40,000 STUDENTS AT 57 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES PARTICIPATED. THE RESULTS INDICATE: • 50% of respondents were food insecure in the prior 30 days, • 60% of respondents were housing insecure in the previous year, • 19% of respondents were homeless in the previous year. Rates of basic needs insecurity vary by region and by institution. The highest incidence of basic needs insecurity is found in the Northern Coastal, Northern Inland, and Greater Sacramento regions of California. In contrast, rates of basic needs insecurity are far lower, albeit still substantial, in the South Central region of the state, which includes Santa Barbara. Rates of basic needs insecurity are higher for marginalized students, including African Americans, students identifying as LGBTQ, and students considered independent from their parents or guardians for financial aid purposes. Students who have served in the military, former foster youth, and formerly incarcerated students are all at greater risk of basic needs insecurity. Working during college is not associated with a lower risk of basic needs insecurity, and neither is receiving the federal Pell Grant; the latter is associated with higher rates of basic needs insecurity.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Research Study
Tags: #RealCollege Survey, basic needs centers, California, community college, data
Author: Christine Baker-Smith, Elizabeth Looker, Sara Goldrick-Rab, Vanessa Coca