#RealCollege: The Work and Activism of Sara Goldrick-Rab (2023)

"In the film Hungry to Learn Sara Goldrick-Rab appears wearing a “#RealCollege” t-shirt. On the back of the shirt is written “it’s not ALL about Harvard,” referring to the work of the #RealCollege movement in breaking down stereotypes of the privileged college student in order to reveal the reality of what college is like for a growing number of students from poor, working-class, and middle-class backgrounds. Today’s college students are, increasingly, not the stereotype of a carefree college student but instead struggling to make it through school while juggling financial and familial responsibilities. Goldrick-Rab’s work has not only uncovered this important reality but works to draw attention to it in order to create change." Book Chapter from "The Future of American Higher Education: How Today's Public Intellectuals Frame the Debate" Edited By Joseph L. DeVitis

File Type: pdf
Categories: Topic Reviews/ Summaries
Tags: basic needs centers, community college, evaluation
Author: Carrie Freie