Document Tag: private institution
Food Insecurity in College Students: The Role of Environment, Social Networks, and Perceived Food-Related Time, Stress, and Skill (2024)
Using a mixed-methods approach, the purpose of this study was to identify contributing factors and their relationship to food insecurity at a midsize, private university. During semistructured interviews (N = 23), students discussed social and environmental factors related to food insecurity, as well as the individual factors of food-related time, stress, and skill. A short questionnaire measuring the individual factors was developed and implemented with the US Department of Agriculture food security survey (N = 270). Between the food secure and insecure groups, there were significant differences in relation to food-related time, stress, and skill (P < .01). Identifying specific factors can inform campus-specific interventions to address food insecurity.
Constructed Pathways: How Multiply-Marginalized Students Navigate Food Insecurity at Selective Universities (2024)
Studies about collegiate food insecurity show its prevalence as a national issue that disproportionately affects students from marginalized groups. This study further contextualizes this work, examining the ways that multiply-marginalized students navigate systems of privilege and opportunity at selective, normatively affluent universities to meet food needs and pursue personal goals. Findings from this multi-institutional qualitative study highlight asset-based approaches by which students leverage institutional interest in their marginal identities as navigational strategies. Conclusions point to the value of ‘‘student pathways navigation’’ as a conceptual and analytic approach to understanding how students manage collegiate environments.