Texas #RealCollege Survey Report (2021)
In total, nearly 13,000 students from 10 two-year colleges and four four-year colleges and universities in Texas responded to the 2020 #RealCollege Survey, fielded from September to November 2020.
In total, nearly 13,000 students from 10 two-year colleges and four four-year colleges and universities in Texas responded to the 2020 #RealCollege Survey, fielded from September to November 2020.
In March 2020, the coronavirus pandemic struck American higher education.
Colleges closed campuses, students lost jobs, and emergency resources failed
to meet the demands caused by the crisis. This report examines the pandemic’s
impact on students, from their basic needs security to their well-being, as
indicated by employment status, academic engagement, and mental health.
The data come from an electronic survey completed by 38,602 students
attending 54 colleges and universities in 26 states, including 39 two-year
colleges and 15 four-year colleges and universities.
At least one in five of today’s college students is parenting a child while enrolled in classes. Ifthese parenting students complete their degrees, both they and their children could expectimproved social, economic, and health outcomes. Nevertheless, degree attainment rates amongparenting students are low, and evidence about their experiences—which is critical to improvingpolicy and practice regarding parenting students—is sparse.In 2019, the Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice began using our tools tofill that gap. Specifically, we added new questions to our fifth annual #RealCollege survey,asking parenting students at 171 two-year institutions and 56 four-year institutions about theirexperiences with basic needs insecurity, childcare, depression and anxiety, and campus and socialsupports
National survey report using data from fall 2020
The novel coronavirus pandemic is testing institutions of higher education in unprecedented ways,
including challenging their ability to address basic needs insecurity among their students. With
the crisis ongoing as a new academic year begins, it is helpful to examine the response thus far.
The Hope Center developed a pandemic-oriented, institution-based survey that was administered
between April 9 and May 29. The survey yielded responses from 165 institutions in 36 states. The
results reveal:
• The number of students with basic needs insecurity on college campuses is substantial,
regardless of the method used to quantify such students.
• More than two-thirds of institutions said basic needs insecurity was discussed “a lot” or “a
great deal” on their campuses, and community colleges were more likely than four-year
institutions to view basic needs insecurity as a hinderance to degree completion.
• Nine of 10 respondents were looking for additional help to address students’ food and
housing needs, which were already areas of concern prior to the pandemic. And as
nationwide eviction moratoriums began to expire toward the end of summer, evidence
emerged that housing needs were increasing.
• A majority of institutions offered support to students seeking Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits and had an active food pantry on campus.
• One hundred and seven institutions offered emergency aid. Three-quarters of those
institutions used online applications for their emergency aid programs, easing one of the
main challenges to effectively dispersing aid. However, institutions continued to struggle
with staffing and publicizing the programs, as well as meeting the increased demand solely
via fundraising.
• One in five institutions required students to complete a Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to access emergency aid funds.
• Just three in 10 institutions helped students with basic needs insecurity apply for
unemployment insurance, despite widespread job loss among undergraduates.1