Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness Pilot Program (2023)

Basic needs insecurity is a critical barrier to college students’ access1 and success, undermining persistence and completion rates for postsecondary students.2 In Washington, college students face significant challenges in meeting their housing and other basic needs while completing their credentials. Gaps in covering critical costs such as housing and food are pervasive among students in both two-year and four-year institutions. Students of color and students who experience marginalization based on their identities and circumstances — such as former foster youth, LGBTQI+ students, and students with dependents — are disproportionately impacted.3 To address this need, the Washington state Legislature enacted the Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness (SSEH) pilot program with 2SSB 5800 (2019). The Legislature expanded the pilot program twice — first by passing SHB 1166 (2021) and again through a proviso in the 2022 supplemental budget. The Legislature made the SSEH pilot permanent through the passage of ESSB 5702 (2023). SSEH provides grants for colleges to build systems to identify and support students facing homelessness and students who aged out of the foster care system. The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) and the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) administered the four-year SSEH pilot program, which consisted of 33 programs across six public baccalaureate institutions (PBIs) and 27 in the community and technical college system (CTCs).

Portland State University Student Housing Insecurity Interim Report (2023)

This study on student housing insecurity and homelessness was funded as part of a HUD FY2023 Community Project Funding Opportunity awarded to Portland State University. Phase 1 of the study, which led to this report by PSU’s Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative (HRAC), includes a literature review; a summary of PSU student survey results; a description of PSU programs based on interviews with staff and administrators; an analysis of programs at other institutions; and a set of recommendations for better addressing student housing needs. Phase 2 of the study will include the results of a comprehensive student survey on housing insecurity and homelessness to be conducted this fall, as well as a pair of reports by outside consultants on options for creating additional student housing and addressing policy barriers to effectively meeting student housing needs.

#RealCollege California: Basic Needs Among California Community College Students (2023)

The RealCollege survey, the nation’s largest annual assessment of basic needs security among college students, was last comprehensively reported for California Community Colleges in a 20191 report. In spring 2023, The Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (The RP Group) partnered with the CEO Affordability, Food & Housing Access Taskforce of the Community College League of California (CCLC) to assist in survey data collection efforts and provide updated data trends regarding California Community College (CCC) students’ food and housing security. Over 66,000 students from 88 California Community Colleges responded to the survey, revealing that two out of every three CCC students grapple with at least one basic needs insecurity. Nearly half of CCC students are food insecure, almost 3 out of 5 are housing insecure, and about 1 in 4 are homeless.

Food and Housing Insecurity Among Adult Undergraduates During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2023)

The purpose of this study was to examine the variables associated with adult undergraduates’ food and housing insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were derived from the 2020 #RealCollege Survey, which was completed by 25,838 adult undergraduates (≥25 years old) at 72 4-year and 127 2-year institutions in 42 U.S. states. The results suggest that 43.2% of adult undergraduates experienced food insecurity, and 60.6% experienced housing insecurity. Adult undergraduates who had multiple disabilities, grew up in lower-income families, had previously lived in foster care, attended 2-year colleges, and did not live with a spouse/partner had significantly higher probabilities of experiencing food or housing insecurity. Furthermore, first-generation students, international students, or caregivers, parents, or guardians to children had significantly higher probabilities of experiencing food and housing insecurity. Finally, adult undergraduates who experienced COVID-19 pandemic-related academic and financial and health difficulties also had higher probabilities of experiencing food and housing insecurity.

Front Porch? What About No Porch? Exploring Housing Insecurity Among NCAA College Athletes During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2023)

This study explored housing insecurity among NCAA college athletes during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, 1,130 college athletes completed the #RealCollege Survey, a national survey examining housing and food insecurity among college students. Housing insecurity is a growing issue among general college students and the findings suggest it is also a potential issue for college athletes, particularly males, college athletes of color, and first-generation college students. Descriptive statistics examined how housing insecurity and housing insecure symptoms appeared among NCAA college athletes, Chi-squares test of independence explored the relationship between student characteristics (e.g., race, sex) and housing insecurity. Additionally, binary logistic regression models understand how COVID-19 impacted those relationships. These exploratory findings encourage more research on college athlete experiences with housing insecurity to understand better the impact housing insecurity has on college athletes.

Food Insecurity and Homelessness in American Higher Education: An Overview of New Nationally Representative Estimates (2023)

UPDATE: New version amended with additional table (July 30, 2023)

This memo offers new nationally representative estimates of food insecurity and homelessness affecting the nation’s college students, obtained from the just-released National Postsecondary Student Aid Study: 2020 (NPSAS), and compares them to estimates from my prior research studies conducted at The Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice.

The results confirm that a sizable number of the nation’s college students—including graduate students—are food insecure and some are homeless. As long suspected, the rate is higher for college students than for the broader public. Moreover, we can now see that basic needs insecurity is a problem at every type of college and university and cuts across student demographics and even traditional measures of income and financial need.

● 23% of undergraduates and 12% of graduate students experienced food insecurity.
● 8% of undergraduates and 5% of graduate students experienced homelessness.
● Basic needs insecurity affects 35% of Black/African American students, 30% of Native American students, and 25% of Hispanic students.
● For-profit colleges and universities and Historically Black Colleges and Universities have the highest rates of basic needs insecurity among their students.

The coalition of institutions willing to assess and address these problems had higher rates of the challenges— now that all institutions are included the averages are lower, yet still substantial. We owe a debt of gratitude to those brave institutions that led the way and convinced the federal government to count what matters most to students – the security of their basic needs.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: Community College Student Housing Insecurity (2015)

PD&R Expert Convenings: Summary Report.

On September 16, 2015, HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) convened a panel of education and housing experts
to shed light on the topic of housing insecurity among community college students. The convening featured brief presentations by experts
in the field followed by participant discussion. The goals of the convening were to reach a common understanding of the scope and
nature of students’ challenges, identify effective strategies, and discuss the potential role of the federal government in addressing student
housing insecurity.