The impact of COVID-19 on campus-based support programs serving students with foster care experience: Focus groups with administrators and students (2022)


Series of focus groups were conducted with campus administrators and students with foster care histories to increase our understanding of the experiences they faced during the pandemic in college and university settings.

Campus administrators quickly adapted service delivery to ensure students’ needs were met and found creative ways to stay connected with students.

Students discussed their efforts to access resources, to stay connected with peers, and use of strategies to manage academic, financial, and mental health challenges.

Findings highlighted participants’ resilience and ability to manage their own self-care and lean on others for support.

Examining prevalence and predictors of food insecurity for transition-age youth transitioning out of foster care (2024)

Transition-age youth with foster care involvement (TAY) face significant risks for food insecurity and other hardships in early adulthood. Using representative survey data of youth transitioning out of foster care in California, we examine the prevalence and predictors of food insecurity. We find that about 30% of study participants were food insecure at ages 19, 21, and 23. We also identify multiple risk and protective factors associated with being food insecure, such as TAY’s sexual identity and receipt of public benefits. The results of our study offer life-stage-specific recommendations for policy and practice to address food insecurity among TAY.

Academic Achievement and Postsecondary Educational Attainment of Domestically and Internationally Adopted Youth (2021)

Adopted youth often do not achieve in school as well as their non-adopted peers. We used data from the High School Longitudinal Study to examine high school and postsecondary achievement outcomes in adopted youth. We compared outcomes for domestically adopted youth, internationally adopted youth, and non-adopted youth. Results indicate that domestically adopted youth have lower grade point averages. Internationally adopted youth were less likely to enroll in four-year postsecondary institutions than were non-adopted youth.