Update on California Student Housing Assistance (2025)

In 2019‑20, the state created rapid rehousing programs at the University of California (UC), California State University (CSU), and California Community Colleges (CCC) to assist students experiencing housing insecurity or homelessness. In addition, the state created basic needs programs at UC in 2019‑20 and at CSU and CCC in 2021‑22 primarily to provide students with housing and food assistance. In 2023‑24, the state is providing a total of $31 million ongoing General Fund for rapid rehousing programs and $85 million ongoing General Fund for basic needs programs across the segments. State law requires each segment to report annually on these programs, with specific reporting requirements varying by segment and program. In this brief, we examine how each segment is implementing these programs and review the available outcomes data.

Parenting in a Pandemic: Understanding the Challenges Faced by California Community College Students and Actionable Recommendations for Policy (2024)

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented numerous challenges to students across the United States, particularly those
who are parents enrolled in community colleges. California’s community college system serves a diverse student
population, including a significant number of non-traditional, working adults who are also parents. These students
have faced unprecedented challenges due to the pandemic, including the difficulties of balancing childcare
responsibilities with academic and professional obligations. This paper summarizes the preliminary findings of a
study that intends to contribute to the crucial conversation around childcare needs among community college
students. The focus of this study was understanding the experiences of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color)
mothers with young children and the impact of COVID-19 on their educational experiences in community colleges
across the state of California.

Filling the Gap: CalFresh Eligibility Among University of California and California Community College Students (2024)

Food insecurity is widespread among college students in the United States. Food benefits
delivered through the CalFresh program, California’s version of the federal Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), can reduce hunger by helping students pay for
groceries, but may not reach all eligible students. To date, higher education systems have
lacked good estimates of the share of their students who are eligible for CalFresh and the
share who actually receive benefits.
To address this information gap, the California Policy
Lab (CPL) partnered with the California Community College (CCC) Chancellor’s Office,
the University of California Office of the President (UCOP), the California Department
of Social Services (CDSS), and the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) to build a
linked database of student-level administrative data on college enrollment, financial aid, and
CalFresh participation. This database covers all students enrolled at CCC or UC campuses
from academic years 2010–11 through 2021–22, along with corresponding FAFSA
submissions and CalFresh participation. Using these data, we are able to measure how
many college students are likely eligible for CalFresh, and of those how many participate.

SparkPoint Supports Student Success (2023)

Over the last decade, many Bay Area community colleges asked United Way Bay Area (UWBA) to bring SparkPoint to their campuses because students weren’t getting the holistic support they needed
to stay in school and succeed. SparkPoint offers comprehensive, integrated services that consider students’ strengths, resources, and compounding needs. SparkPoint Centers work with students to meet their basic needs, increase their income, build their credit, increase their savings, and reduce their debt.
Previous studies suggest that SparkPoint may contribute to improving student success, including persistence, in community colleges. This evaluation builds on the foundation of those studies and conducts a
more rigorous quantitative analysis that accounts for other factors known to influence persistence and includes comparisons with students who do not participate in SparkPoint. This study includes all San Mateo Community College District (SMCCD) students who were on a degree or certificate track during the 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-2021, and/or 2021-22 school years. Notably, the last two years of this study were during the COVID-19 pandemic which greatly impacted students and disrupted SparkPoint services.

The study reveals substantial evidence that SparkPoint contributes to community college student success (i.e., persist, graduate, or transfer).

The Housing Needs and Experiences of Project Rebound Students at Fresno State: Executive Summary (2023)

Students and formerly incarcerated people are both populations associated with increased risk for housing insecurity and homelessness (see for example, The Hope Center, 2021; Couloute,2018). Formerly incarcerated students fall into both populations. This executive summary summarizes the findings and recommendations of a study conducted for a master’s thesis that provides a better understanding of the housing needs of formerly incarcerated students, specifically, the housing needs and experiences of students in Fresno State’s Project Rebound, a support program for formerly incarcerated students.

In The Shadows Of Higher Education: Housing Insecurities Among College Students (2023)

While higher education is seen as an opportunity for social mobility for many, students who face housing and basic needs insecurities remain an issue that colleges and universities need to understand further. Students who experience food and housing insecurities struggle to persist in their academic pursuits and lack mental and physical health assistance. Limited research on housing-insecure students mainly focuses on the experiences of community college students. More research is needed to understand how housing-insecure students experience higher education at four-year universities. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with undergraduate and graduate housing-insecure students. The research questions guiding this study ask how students experience college at CSUF and, specifically, what navigational strategies these students employ as they go through higher
education. This study situates the experiences of housing-insecure students through a social reproduction lens that can better understand the relationship between schooling structures and students from low-income backgrounds. Social capital is also utilized to understand how housing-insecure students draw on their networks to navigate school despite various obstacles. Despite the lack of awareness, inadequate resources, and institutional neglect, the students in this study develop a strong sense of resilience and resistance and develop strong social networks— primarily outside of the university—to persist in their schooling endeavors. This thesis concludes by offering recommendations for universities to improve outreach and resource efforts drawing from the findings of this study.

Building Support for College Affordability: Messaging Resources for Advocates

Boosting broad support for college affordability and access for all in California is possible with the right messages and messengers.

As part of its work to help more low-income students and students of color attain a college degree, we have invested in new messaging research to build support for college access and affordability in California. Our goal is to help advocates develop communications that effectively win support and mobilize diverse audiences to take action.

Products of the research include a guide lifting up key messages and strategies to make a powerful case for college affordability, as well as a video catalog promoting the recommendations featuring students, parents, and a guidance counselor.

The Haas, Jr. Fund commissioned messaging experts Wonder: Strategies for Good and Goodwin-Simon Strategic Research to conduct this research based on input and guidance from a broad group of partner organizations. The findings are based on an online survey of 1,200 registered California voters, as well as a focus group of diverse Californians.

We invite our partners to use these materials to make a powerful and aligned case for action to create a debt-free pathway to and through college for more students in California and nationwide.