Connecting College Students to Alternative Sources of Support: The Single Stop Community College Initiative and Postsecondary Outcomes (2020)

Single Stop U.S.A.’s Community College Initiative was designed to improve the well-being of low-income communities by connecting individuals to public benefits and other institutional and community resources to address nonacademic barriers to college completion. Through offices located on community college campuses, Single Stop provides students with a range of free services, including screenings and applications for public benefit programs; tax services, financial counseling, and legal services; and case management with referrals to a wide variety of resources and support programs across the institution and community. This report presents an evaluation of the Single Stop program and its impact on students’ postsecondary outcomes. The authors examined the Single Stop program at four community college systems: Bunker Hill Community College, City University of New York, Delgado Community College, and Miami Dade College. The analysis indicates that use of Single Stop was associated with improved postsecondary outcomes. The findings suggest that access to alternative financial resources from government benefit programs alongside a network of institutional and community support programs can offer valuable support to college students.

The Real Price of College (2016)

The high price of college is the subject of media headlines, policy debates, and dinner table conversations because of its implications for educational opportunities, student and family pocketbooks, and the economy.1 Some people caution against giving too much weight to the advertised price of a college education, pointing out that the availability of financial aid means that college is not as expensive as people think it is.2 But they overlook a substantial problem: for many students, the real price of college is much higher than what recruitment literature, conventional wisdom, and even official statistics convey. Our research indicates that the current approach to higher education financing too often leaves low-income students facing unexpected, and sometimes untenable, expenses.

The Impacts of COVID-19 on the Experiences of Students with Basic Needs Insecurity: Evidence from a National Survey Basic Needs Insecurity: Evidence from a National Survey (2022)

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected college students’ basic needs, financial security, academic success, caregiving responsibilities, mental health, and more, according to the Fall 2020 Student Financial Wellness Survey (SFWS) conducted by Trellis Company. Researchers surveyed 37,936 students at 62 two- and four-year colleges and universities from October to November 2020 and found 53 percent (n=20,095) indicated one or more forms of basic needs insecurity (BNI). This brief examines data from students with BNI with a special lens on their mental health, familial responsibilities and finances, employment, and financial security. These results highlight the disparate impacts of the pandemic among basic needs insecure students.

No Food for Thought: Insights on Basic Needs Insecurities and Mental Health Challenges from Trellis’ Fall 2020 Student Financial Wellness Survey (2022)

More than half of students were experiencing one or more basic need insecurities at the time of the survey—50 percent of four- year students and 54 percent of two-year students. • Nearly one in ten students— nine percent—had experienced homelessness, food insecurity, and housing insecurity within the past year (from October/November 2019 to October/November 2020). • The majority of respondents with BNI reported the COVID-19 outbreak had added to their levels of stress, anxiety, or depression— 89 percent at two-year colleges and 92 percent at four-year institutions. • Respondents with demonstrated basic needs insecurities were more likely to work while enrolled, identify as a first-generation student, be female, and financially support children or other dependents.

Basic Needs Insecurities among College Students at Minority-Serving Institutions (2022)

Almost two-thirds of students at HBCUs, PBIs, and HSIs had experienced basic needs insecurities (i.e., food insecurity, housing insecurity, or homelessness) while in college. • Nearly half (44 percent) of surveyed students at participating minorityserving institutions were food insecure. • Eleven percent had faced all three forms of basic needs insecurity within the past year (from October/November 2020 to October/November 2021). • Respondents with basic needs insecurities were more likely to be female, identify as a first-generation student, and indicate they were likely suffering from anxiety and/or depressed mood.