The Financial Well-Being of Parents Pursuing Postsecondary Education (2024)

This new brief published by the SPARK Collaborative uses 2020 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS) data to document student parents’ living expenses, the resources student parents leverage to attend postsecondary education, and the gaps student parents face between their expenses and their resources.

Providing for a Community How a Basic Needs Center Uses Assessment to House Students (2024)

This article discusses how practitioners at the University of Colorado Boulder use
assessment to refine an Emergency Housing Assistance program through a Basic Needs
Center. Leaders of the center use people-driven practices combined with quantitative and
qualitative assessment practices to provide housing relief for students. We show how
equity-centered assessment practices improve student health and well-being. Practitioners
across the country can apply actions from this center’s assessment to assist students at
their own universities to secure reliable and safe housing.